danger for our fishermen
We surveyed our fishermen on their time at sea, and the results were grim.
We Interviewed 14 fishermen so far from some of our major shark fishing boats... the results sent shivers down our spine. Out of those fishermen, all have been injured at sea while fishing sharks, 5 have witnessed a death at sea while fishing sharks and every single one of them has a multiple choice option where they could choose what the most dangerous thing about fishing sharks is...
the fishing equipment
the waves
the police
or the sharks.
And every single one of the fishermen selected the lines, waves & police but not a single one selected “sharks”.
We continue to survey each fisherman that joins our fleet, about their previous fishing experience & incidents they have witnessed at sea. Gaining an understanding of what they go through at sea helps us understand their motives for transitioning into tourism.
two crew fist bump at sea after a safe passage between islands.