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Take a minute to help sharks…
We are still small, so taking on volunteers in the field isn't a possibility for us just this second. The best way to be involved is to apply for an internship. It will allow you to have future involvement in our project and see firsthand, the shark fin trade, giving you a strong foundational experience as you move forward in conservation. If you think you are able to help or put your background and knowledge to good use in conservation, get in touch.
Join us on a Project Hiu trip. By joining one of our trips, your money is going directly to a shark fishing boat that would be fishing without your presence as a tourist. Supporting tourism that helps sharks, especially in areas where sharks are heavily fished and their presence alive is becoming an investment for the locals, such as Indonesia, is a great way to put your money into the preservation of our oceans. It will also allow you to have future involvement in our project and see firsthand, the shark fin trade, giving you a strong foundational experience as you move forward in conservation
There is always a need for conservationists to protect their local environment. This is a great way to get started and often you have the most impact somewhere close to home, you don’t have to live by a beach to be able to make a positive change for sharks. Are there shark products at your local shop? Can you do something about this? Local issues are a great way to learn and become effective at conservation.
Being a smart consumer is probably the most essential thing you can do as an individual to help sharks. This goes beyond just saying no to shark fin soup and any establishments that sell shark fin soup. Shark byproducts include skin, liver oil, cartilage and meat can be found in many different products; ranging from cosmetics to jewelry. By saying no to shark products, or any product that contains shark derivatives, you are helping lower the demand for such products. You can also go one step further by getting in touch with companies and manufacturers to voice your concerns.